Tenement Interests In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.3.3, the following table is submitted with respect to tenements held by the Company and its controlled entities: Location Holding Entity Beneficial Interest Interest Acquired or Disposed Area Expiry date Queensland, Australia ML 4867 Mt Carbine Quarries Pty Ltd 100% 28/06/2019 358.5 ha 31/07/2041 ML 4919 Mt Carbine Quarries Pty Ltd 100% 28/06/2019 7.891 ha 31/08/2041 EPM 14871 EQ Resources Limited 100% 12/12/2005 10 sub-blocks 12/12/2025 EPM 14872 EQ Resources Limited 100% 11/12/2005 21 sub-blocks 11/12/2025 EPM 27394 EQ Resources Limited 100% 01/06/2020 4 sub-blocks 1/06/2025 EPM 28898 EQ Resources Limited 100% 17/06/2024 147 sub-blocks 17/06/2029 New South Wales, Australia EL 6648 EQ Resources Limited 100% N/A 4 Units 19/10/2026 1) EL 8024 EQ Resources Limited 100% N/A 19 Units 29/11/2024 1) ML = Mining Lease; EPM = Exploration Permit for Mineral (Qld); EL = Exploration License (NSW) 1) Sozo Farm-in arrangement. ML4867 & ML4919 were renewed for a further 19 years during the reporting period (More information see: ASX Announcement 24th March 2023: ‘Mt Carbine Mining lease renewed for 19 Years’). This renewal included a new landowner agreement with Australian Wildlife Conservatory (AWC) and a submission of an initial Mine Plan for the first 5 years of mining. Operating and Financial Review continued 44 EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2024