Health & Safety Safety Safety remains a top priority in the Australian mining industry due to its high-risk nature, necessitating rigorous safety protocols to safeguard workers, communities, and the environment. Upholding safety standards ensures the well-being of stakeholders and supports the industry’s reputation and sustainability. This commitment to safety is integral for the sector’s success and global competitiveness. In the 2023 financial year, the Company showed significant safety efforts: 5,697 “Take 5 Personal Risk Assessments” were undertaken, alongside 80 Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA) assessments, 24 procedural reviews, and bi-monthly toolbox meetings. Meanwhile, the Mt Carbine Operations achieved a milestone of 600 days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI), which has now been reset and currently standing at 44 days LTI-free. The period saw 7 LTIs, 9 minor medical treatments, and 9 cases addressed with first aid, the Company is dedicated to improving safety practices and ensuring the wellbeing of its employees. Operating and Financial Review Training Over the course of the reporting period, we prioritised employee development and safety through a number of extensive training programs as follows: − 17 employees completed Working at Heights (WAH) training. − 14 employees received training in Confined Space Entry and Work. − 14 employees underwent Gas Testing Atmosphere training. − 21 employees trained in First Aid & CPR. − 2 employees achieved Advanced First Aid certification. − 1 employee took on the role of ICAM Lead Investigator. − 1 employee completed Diploma of Surface Operations − 10 employees secured Heavy Rigid Truck licenses. − 17 employees completed Supervisor “S123” training. − 2 individuals trained in drug and alcohol testing programs. − Regular site-wide substance testing conducted. − 391 employees received Verification of Competency (VOC) certifications. − 1 employee obtained a Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety. Figure 1 - Proactive Safety Indicators. 5,697 Take 5 Safety Assessments 80 JSEA Job Safety Environment Analysis 24 Toolbox Talks 2 Prestart safety meetings per day PROACTIVE SAFETY INDICATORS 4 EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2023