EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2022

with environmental group NRA over this period to ensure full compliance with sampling requirements for reporting were met and completed in a timely matter. A major achievement for the Company during the period was the receipt of approval for the processing of greater than 100,000 tonnes of tungsten bearing feed material each year through its Retreatment Plant. This is a significant step forward in maintaining environmental compliance and meeting planned production targets for the operation. Social, Community and Engagement ESG has grown in prominence thanks to capital investment pressures, heightened consumer and stakeholder expectations, and global regulatory pressures for greater ESG reporting disclosures. Underpinning this is the broad realisation that its relevance is not only about addressing climate change, but also providing organisational longterm performance insights, both operationally and financially. ESG is not a separate business strategy, but the application of shared values and principles that realise commercial benefits whilst achieving positive social and environmental outcomes. EQR appreciates the opportunities that an ESG focus can provide. As a resource-efficient, value-oriented and critical resource mining company of the future, EQR has already aligned its purpose, mission, and values with some high level ESG objectives. The Company aims to contribute to sustainable development and align to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, refer to Table 1. Mt Carbine Tailings Dam is clean and toxin-free, remaining host to the area’s diverse wildlife. EQR defines their ESG adoption profile as an ‘early adopter’. Existing ESG environmental initiatives include: − The implementation of a new waste sorting technology; − A review of pollution prevention treatment options; and − Ongoing participation in a pilot greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions tracking scheme in partnership with the University of Queensland. The Company also have several ‘S’ centric employee attraction and retention programs underway centering on improving employee diversity and capability. Additionally, EQR sponsors a range of community programs and events, engaging regularly and collaboratively with the community to develop initiatives that positively impact employees and the local community. The Company is committed to providing career development opportunities in a friendly and inclusive workplace where all employees can express themselves freely, feel valued, included and socially recognised. EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2022 7