EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2022

In an effort to continuously improve systems at the Mt Carbine site, EQR: − Conducts systematic reviews of the corporate guidelines, standards, systems, and processes to verify the current standards and controls in place; − Conducts audits and assessments at determined frequencies to measure the level of compliance and progress to the standards, and assist in the correction and prevention of any systemic issues; − Reviews performance and accountability processes to indicate progress or deviations for early corrections; and − Ensures procedures for Management Review and Health and Safety Objectives detail the processes to be applied. Employee Training Due to the local workforce having considerable transferable skills but limited experience working within the mining industry, the Company continues to invest in extensive training for its workforce. The Company is committed to being a significant provider of local employment and is committed to the upskilling of its employees to ensure it has a safe and productive workplace focused on continual safety performance improvement. The Company also constantly monitors its safety performance and engages in a proactive, positive reporting culture with Safety Resets, Toolbox Talks, development and improvement of the Safety Management System and increased focus on the quantity and quality of risk management tools such as the Job Safety Analysis and “Take 5” protocols. The Company ensures it is complying with all relevant health and safety legislation, industry codes and guidelines but also conducts studies to measure occupational exposures. The focus is on planning, designing, operating and maintaining facilities to guarantee the safest workplace environment, while protecting its people from illness, potential exposure and psychosocial hazards. See Section 14 of the Bankable Feasibility Study for the Company’s risk management approach. EQR Supervisor, Andrew Uwland (middle) is presented with the first ‘Safety Legend’ Award in QLD by the Hon Stewart, Minister of Resources (left) and Department of Resources Director General, M. Cridland. Mr Uwland, a Supervisor at the Mt Carbine Operations, has been with the Company since November 2021 and is exceptionally passionate and vocal about driving real safety change for the site and the mentality on shift. He is a strong advocate for his crew regarding safety practices and their wellbeing (physical & psychological), placing a focus on training them appropriately and keenly surveiling them in this regard. From pre-start to safety documentation, Mr Uwland places a big emphasis on procedure, training, and safety-first mentality. He has also trained a full crew of new-to-the-industry employees (barring 2 individuals on his crew) and has had no reportable incidents while developing a sense of safety pride within his crew. Mr Uwland has implemented morale-boosting and teambuilding techniques directly leading to minimal staff turn-over in a labour market where it is a very common occurrence. EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2022 5