Strategic Positioning: The outputs from the leadershipworkshops and a sentiment survey provided both insight and foresight. Recognising that ESG is a tightly intertwined series of processes and practices across all business operations, EQR has adopted the following approach: − Be an early adopter of ‘Environmental’ opportunities using technology and robust systems that deliver highly efficient extraction processes, minimising its physical footprint, developing low carbon operations, and minimising waste and consumables such as water, energy, explosives; − Lead across a range of ‘Social’ opportunities especially, supporting sustainable communities and local supply chains, driving diversity and inclusion, preferencing local employment and developing a long-term pipeline of regional talent; and − Deliver transparency and compliance regarding ‘Governance’, reporting and public disclosures, recognising that compliance is the floor not the ceiling of its obligations. An ESG focus affords the Mt Carbine mine with significant opportunities to maximise positive environmental and social impacts both now and into the future. The EQR Leadership Team is committed to advancing its current ESG program with material consideration being given to both immediate opportunities and those longer term. From prospects for employment and industry expansion created within the local community, to the potential for a development of green energy via solar powered farms on rehabilitated stockpile and tailings areas, there are many areas under consideration for future incorporation. Insight into current stakeholder priorities and suggestions will shape the future direction of the EQR ESG program, with a particular focus on further developing a robust ESG framework that delivers environmental and social benefit with a positive and sustainable commercial return. As EQR continues to develop the Mt Carbine project, it is very aware of the immediate and regional community in the area and will strive to continuously have a genuine and positive engagement with these parties. The guiding principles for community and stakeholder engagement are summarised in Table 2. Table 2: EQR Stakeholder Engagement - Guiding Principles We will be Proactive Flexible and inclusive Genuine Respectful Responsive This means We will engage with communities early and often, so that we understand and respond to their interests and concerns. We will offer a range of engagement opportunities that are tailored to the variety of needs and preferences of the community. We will have authentic conversations with the community, clearly explaining what can and can’t be influenced. We understand that not everyone will support our projects. We will create an environment to have professional conversations. We will close the loop, providing feedback to the community on how input has been taken into consideration. EQ Resources Limited Annual Report 2022 9