Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2020
Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2020 61 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page | 62 30. OPERATING SEGMENTS Segment Information Identification of Reportable Segments During the 2020 financial year, the Company operated principally in one business segment being mineral exploration and in two geographical segments being Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. The Company’s revenues and assets and liabilities according to geographical segments are shown below. June 2020 June 2019 Total Queensland NSW Total Australia Chile $ $ $ $ $ $ REVENUE Revenue & Other Income 1,087,445 1,087,445 - 245,936 245,936 - Total segment revenue 1,087,445 1,087,445 - 245,936 245,936 - RESULTS Net profit / (loss) before income tax (3,016,453) (3,016,453) - 3,808,863 3,808,863 - Income tax - - - - - - Net profit / (loss) (3,016,453) (3,016,453) - 3,808,863 3,808,863 - ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Assets 21,417,760 21,271,634 146,126 15,966,609 15,966,609 - Liabilities 6,481,414 6,481,414 - 5,061,568 5,061,568 - 31. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES a. The Company’s main related parties are as follows: Key management personnel: Any person(s) having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise), are considered key management personnel. The directors and officers in office during the year were as follows: - Oliver Kleinhempel Appointed Non-executive Directtor 12 August 2019 Appointed Non-executive Chairman 24 April 2020 - Russell Henry Krause (Penause Pty Ltd) Appointed Non-executive Chairman on 30 June 2013 Appointed Executive Chairman on 14 November 2017 Resigned 24 April 2020 - Roland Waynne Nice (R.W. Nice & Assoc. Pty Ltd) Appointed 30 June 2013 and resigned 12 August 2019 - Stephen Layton (Bodie Investments Pty Ltd) Appointed 14 November 2017 - Zhui Pei Yeo Appointed 12 August 2019 - Adrien Michele Wing (Northern Start Nominees Pty Ltd) Appointed 1 February 2019 and resigned 1 September 2020 For details of disclosures relating to key management personnel, refer to Key Management Personnel disclosures Directors and Remuneration Report.
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