Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2020

Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2020 47 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page | 48 11. CURRENT LIABILITIES 2020 $ 2019 $ PAYABLES Trade creditors 587,105 533,055 Accrued expenses 149,505 242,299 Other - 4,801 736,610 780,155 OTHER CURRENT LIAIBLITIES Short-Term Borrowings 1 - 200,000 - 200,000 1 Unsecured third-party shareholder loans payable on or before 30 August 2019 with an interest rate of 10%. 12. CONTRIBUTED EQUITY 2020 2019 Share Capital $ $ 1,110,229,631 (2019: 798,107,881) ordinary shares fully paid 15,023,117 7,651,079 15,023,117 7,651,079 (a) Movements in Ordinary Share Capital 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 Date Number of Shares Issue Price $ Balance b/fwd 798,107,881 7,651,079 Placement of 112,733514 shares at $0.018 per share under the Company’s Non-Renounceable Pro-Rata Entitlement Offer of one (1) new share for every five (5) shares held (refer ASX announcement dated 26 July 2019) 31-07-2019 112,733,514 $0.0180 2,029,204 Placement of 46,888,236 shortfall shares at $0.018 per share under the Company’s Non-Renounceable Pro-Rata Entitlement Offer of one (1) new share for every five (5) shares held (refer ASX announcement dated 26 July 2019) 02-08-2019 46,888,236 $0.0180 843,988 Issue of 25,000,000 shares at $0.0132 per share to Directors upon the satisfaction of the vesting conditions for the Performance Rights issued to Directors on 22 June 2018 (refer ASX announcement dated 2 August 2019) 02-08-2019 25,000,000 $0.0132 330,000 Issue of 2,500,000 shares at $0.018 per share to consultants for consulting services pursuant to the Mt Carbine Quarries Transaction. 27-12-2019 2,500,000 $0.0180 45,000 Placement of 125,000,000 shares at $0.036 per share to institutional and sophisticated investors undertaken pursuant to placement capacity under Listing Rule 7.1 (15% Rule) (refer ASX announcement dated 6 March 2020) 06-03-2020 125,000,000 $0.0360 4,500,000 Share issue costs (376,154) Balance as at 30 June 2020 1,110,229,631 15,023,117