Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2019

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page | 43 9. CURRENT LIABILITIES – PAYABLES 2019 $ 2018 $ Trade creditors 533,055 88,391 Accrued expenses 242,299 70,508 Other 4,801 5,682 780,155 164,582 OTHER CURRENT LIAIBLITIES Short-Term Borrowings 1 200,000 - 200,000 - 1 Unsecured third-party shareholder loans payable on or before 30 August 2019 with an interest rate of 10%. 10. CONTRIBUTED EQUITY 2019 2018 Share Capital $ $ 798,107,881 (2018: 554,876,418) ordinary shares fully paid 7,651,079 3,353,567 (a) Movements in Ordinary Share Capital 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 Date Number of Shares Issue Price $ Balance b/fwd 554,876,418 3,553,567 Tranche 1 – Placement of 83,231,463 shares at $0.018 per share to institutional and sophisticated investors to fund the 100% acquisition Mt Carbine Quarries Pty Ltd which owns and operates the Mt Carbine Quarry and mining leases ML4867 and ML 4919 (refer ASX announcement dated 14 May 2019). 16-05-2019 83,231,463 $0.018 1,498,166 Tranche 2 – Placement of 160,000,000 shares to institutional and sophisticated investors to fund the 100% acquisition of Mt Carbine Quarries Pty Ltd at $0.018 per share following approval by shareholders at a General Meeting held on 17 June 2019 (refer ASX announcement dated 14 May 2019). 26-06-2019 160,000,000 $0.018 2,880,000 Share issue costs (280,654) Balance as at 30 June 2019 798,107,881 7,651,079 ** Underlying shares were issued in the prior financial year. *** Issue price subject to Sharing Agreement with Lanstead Capital LP 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 Date Number of Shares Issue Price Total $ Balance b/fwd 482,876,418 1,797,341 Placement to institutional and sophisticated investors 06-02-2018 68,000,000 $0.025 1,700,000 Placement to non-executive director following approval by shareholder at the General Meeting held on 22 June 2018. 22-06-2018 4,000,000 $0.025 100,000 Lanstead Capital LP – Tranche B – subject to an 18 month sharing agreement – remaining 5 of 18 instalments settled. 30-06-2018 ** *** 73,734 Share issue costs (117,508) Balance as at 30 June 2018 554,876,418 3,553,567