Speciality Metals International Limited Annual Report 2019

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page | 41 5. AUDITORS’ REMUNERATION 2019 2018 Audit-related services $ $ Amounts paid or payable to BDO Audit (NTH QLD) Pty Ltd - Audit services 800 36,000 Amounts paid or payable to Nexia Melbourne Audit Pty Ltd - Audit services 53,000 20,000 Taxation Services Amounts paid or payable to BDO Audit (NTH QLD) Pty Ltd - Tax compliance services (tax returns) - 7,600 Amounts paid or payable to Nexia Melbourne Audit Pty Ltd - Tax compliance services (tax returns) 6,000 - - Other Taxation services 6,488 - 66,288 63,600 6. RECEIVABLES – NON-CURRENT Tenement security deposits 769,921 771,421 Other security deposits 100 100 770,021 771,521 The tenement deposits are restricted so that they are available for any rehabilitation that may be required on the mining exploration tenements (refer to Notes 13 and 14).